创建一个10M的文件,名字是foobar: dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/foobar bs=1K count=10000 /dev/zero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Unix-like operating systems, /dev/zero is a special file that provides as many null characters (ASCII NULL, 0x00; not ASCII character "digit zero", "0", 0x30) as are read from it. One of the typical uses is to provide a character stream for overwriting information. Another might be to generate a clean file of a certain size. Using mmap to map /dev/zero to RAM is the BSD way of implementing shared memory. (2)将这个文件格式化: # mke2fs -vFm0 /home/foobar 100000000 //(1K * 10000) (3)将这个文件mount,之后就可以向这个文件中写内容了,就好比向一个目录中写内容一样: # mount -o loop home/foobar /mnt/mountpoint